Hari ini (29/5/10) merupakan sambutan Hari Bahtera Merdeka JISADANI dan MIJH. Pelbagai aktiviti telah diatur mulai jam 8.00 pagi hingga 11 malam. Program ini diadakan sempena kemasukan pelajar-pelajar JISADANI ke bangunan baru (dinamakan "Balai Besar") pada hari Isnin, 31 Mei 2010 nanti. Alhamdulillah, dua dari puteriku belajar di sini. (InsyaAllah, 3 lagi akan menyusul bila tiba waktunya). Walaupun JISADANI baru memasuki tahun ke-2 pada tahun ini, nampaknya dan InsyaAllah, ada kemajuan dan visi tersendiri. Semoga Allah memberkati usaha kami ke arah melahirkan generasi yang mengamalkan fahaman Ahli Sunnah Wal- Jamaah dan seterusnya menyambung kesinambungan perjuangan ketika ini, Amin!
Melihat kepada kehidupan masyarakat dikala ini amat menyenakkan perut kami. Jika dibaca berita-berita di akhbar, rasanya mahu saja di'kurung' anak-anakku di dalam rumah. ALhamdulillah, di perkampungan Jenderam ini, para ibu bapa masih boleh 'melepaskan' anak mereka untuk bermain-main di sekitar rumah atau di dalam perkampungan ini. Jika agak terlewat menjemput mereka dari sekolah pun kita tidak merasa terlalu gusar. Sikap ambil peduli jiran tetangga dan guru-guru amat dihargai di sini. Dengan pelbagai aktiviti dan majlis keugamaan yang kerap diadakan, anak-anak tidak merasa kekok untuk ke masjid, malah ternanti-nanti untuk ke masjid. Sesuatu yang sukar ditemui di zaman ini. Alhamdulillah, moga-moga situasi ini akan berkekalan hingga ke jenerasi-jenerasi yang akan datang.
Provide consultancy and training on intellectual capital (IC), productivity, quality, e-knowledge and other educational services.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Current Needs Vs Future Generations
Salam.... today (28/5/10) is a Wesak Day for Malaysia. Thus, it is a public holiday. It does not matter much to me whether it is a PH or not, only that I do not have to rush my little kids to their kindergarden. It means that I can spare more time 'doing my own things' especially on the blessed day, Friday. As for my two eldest daughters, life/school is normal for them since there is no such PH for their school especially if it is a 'non-islamic' related celebration.
Last night, my wife and I talked about our children's future. Future involves uncertainty. When there is uncertainty, we are a little bit worried of what is going to take place. There are so many IF that crossed our mind. Alhamdulillah, Islam teach us to prepare, work hard, doa and tawakkal to Allah in things like these. With the understanding in mind, I felt a little bit relief. Just hope and pray that Allah will give me/us a long healthy life so that I could see through my kids development.
My worries about our kids' future are worsen when I watched the TV3 Nightline at 12 midnight - especially when Datuk Idris Jala predicted that our nation may become the next Greece by 2019 if nothing is being done now. Thanks to him and his colleagues for the effort and revealation but really, we as a nation must do something for the sake of our future generation. What frustrate me was many people just know how to talk only but very minimal in action. There are too much 'politiking' in our societies and nation....
I always believe in preparation or in management it is called 'planning'. I would like to anticipate what is going to happen in the near future based on the current situation and the history. We can also learn from other developed country so that we should not repeat the same mistake and we follow (or improvised) the good practices. As for my children, I want them to succeed not only in this world but the world thereafter. As a Muslim, the second world (akhirat) is much much more important. Nevertheless, they need to be moderately prepared for the present needs (dunia) or else they cannot stand the pressure (of hardship, etc) before they can steadily migrate to the next life (akhirat).
Throughout my life, I recall so many good poem, advice, 'kata-kata hikmah', hadith, etc that can be used to make our journey more interesting and beneficial. Here, let me recall some of the words:
1) Jika tanam padi rumput akan tumbuh tapi jika tanam rumput padi tidak akan tumbuh.
2) Dunia ini penjara bagi orang mukmin.
3) Ilmu itu dibina di atas lautan kepenatan
4) Siapa yang tak rasa/lalui, tak akan rasa/faham
5) Dunia ini tempat berkebun, akhirat itu tempat menuai
6) Ibubapa itu cermin bagi anak-anak
7) Ilmu yang sedikit tapi diamalkan lebih baik dari ilmu yang banyak tapi ditinggalkan
8) Nasihat Habib Hassan - 3 perkara yang mesti diamalkan : Ikhlas dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara, bersangka baik dengan Allah dan manusia, istiqomah.
9) Bila dapat kemuliaan/kebaikan hendaklah SYUKUR, jika mendapat kedukaan/kebrukan hendaklah SABAR.
10) Sifat kelamkabut itu sifat neraka tetapi sifat tenang itu sifat syurga. (bersambung)
Last night, my wife and I talked about our children's future. Future involves uncertainty. When there is uncertainty, we are a little bit worried of what is going to take place. There are so many IF that crossed our mind. Alhamdulillah, Islam teach us to prepare, work hard, doa and tawakkal to Allah in things like these. With the understanding in mind, I felt a little bit relief. Just hope and pray that Allah will give me/us a long healthy life so that I could see through my kids development.
My worries about our kids' future are worsen when I watched the TV3 Nightline at 12 midnight - especially when Datuk Idris Jala predicted that our nation may become the next Greece by 2019 if nothing is being done now. Thanks to him and his colleagues for the effort and revealation but really, we as a nation must do something for the sake of our future generation. What frustrate me was many people just know how to talk only but very minimal in action. There are too much 'politiking' in our societies and nation....
I always believe in preparation or in management it is called 'planning'. I would like to anticipate what is going to happen in the near future based on the current situation and the history. We can also learn from other developed country so that we should not repeat the same mistake and we follow (or improvised) the good practices. As for my children, I want them to succeed not only in this world but the world thereafter. As a Muslim, the second world (akhirat) is much much more important. Nevertheless, they need to be moderately prepared for the present needs (dunia) or else they cannot stand the pressure (of hardship, etc) before they can steadily migrate to the next life (akhirat).
Throughout my life, I recall so many good poem, advice, 'kata-kata hikmah', hadith, etc that can be used to make our journey more interesting and beneficial. Here, let me recall some of the words:
1) Jika tanam padi rumput akan tumbuh tapi jika tanam rumput padi tidak akan tumbuh.
2) Dunia ini penjara bagi orang mukmin.
3) Ilmu itu dibina di atas lautan kepenatan
4) Siapa yang tak rasa/lalui, tak akan rasa/faham
5) Dunia ini tempat berkebun, akhirat itu tempat menuai
6) Ibubapa itu cermin bagi anak-anak
7) Ilmu yang sedikit tapi diamalkan lebih baik dari ilmu yang banyak tapi ditinggalkan
8) Nasihat Habib Hassan - 3 perkara yang mesti diamalkan : Ikhlas dalam melakukan sesuatu perkara, bersangka baik dengan Allah dan manusia, istiqomah.
9) Bila dapat kemuliaan/kebaikan hendaklah SYUKUR, jika mendapat kedukaan/kebrukan hendaklah SABAR.
10) Sifat kelamkabut itu sifat neraka tetapi sifat tenang itu sifat syurga. (bersambung)
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Another Kind of 'Halal'
Salam..... on May 24, 2010 (monday), I was invited to speak at the 2010 Conference of Executives Secretaries and Personal Assistants at JW Marriot, Kuala Lumpur. The Conference was organized by M2Asia Sdn. Bhd. The topic that was given to me is about Smart Money Management. I do not intent to discuss about my talk/topic here today. I would be more interested to talk/discuss on the subject that was put forward by one of the speakers, Mr Albert. Our discussion on the topic was at the sideline, i.e. not for the main Conference; it was rather a 'coffee break talk'. We talked about Halal market, Malaysia being the Halal Hub, and Halal products.
What interest me most is that Mr. Albert is a non-muslim Malaysian Chinese is involved in promoting Malaysia as a halal products producers and halal hub. He is even working closely with JAKIM and know much about the Departments' limitations. From the conversation, I could read that Mr Albert is an open minded kind of person and no longer influenced by the old streotyped phobia on Islam. He even know about the Muslim history especially about the Yunan people who travelled to Pattani (Thailand) and later migrated to Malaysia. I feel honoured since my descendant from my mother side was from Yunan. I am the third generation of Tok Guru Tok Bachok who hailed from Yunan, then later travelled to Pattani and finally opened up a 'Pondok" in Bachok, Kelantan. The district of Bachok was named after him.
Mr Albert and I talked about another kind of 'halal' product to be researched upon - the Halal Telecommunication (HT)! When he first mentioned about HT, my mind paused for a moment and seconds later my mind started generating ideas. As an academician/researchers, there are a lot of research that can be conducted in this new area. When we talk about 'halal', we normally think about food or drinks, banking and financial products or services.
Areas of research that can be conducted in HT are, among others,:
- service providers (its investment, ....)
- products/services (internet, sms, etc)
- effects/impacts to users (online gambling, porno, etc)
- Impact to the country's economy, etc.
What interest me most is that Mr. Albert is a non-muslim Malaysian Chinese is involved in promoting Malaysia as a halal products producers and halal hub. He is even working closely with JAKIM and know much about the Departments' limitations. From the conversation, I could read that Mr Albert is an open minded kind of person and no longer influenced by the old streotyped phobia on Islam. He even know about the Muslim history especially about the Yunan people who travelled to Pattani (Thailand) and later migrated to Malaysia. I feel honoured since my descendant from my mother side was from Yunan. I am the third generation of Tok Guru Tok Bachok who hailed from Yunan, then later travelled to Pattani and finally opened up a 'Pondok" in Bachok, Kelantan. The district of Bachok was named after him.
Mr Albert and I talked about another kind of 'halal' product to be researched upon - the Halal Telecommunication (HT)! When he first mentioned about HT, my mind paused for a moment and seconds later my mind started generating ideas. As an academician/researchers, there are a lot of research that can be conducted in this new area. When we talk about 'halal', we normally think about food or drinks, banking and financial products or services.
Areas of research that can be conducted in HT are, among others,:
- service providers (its investment, ....)
- products/services (internet, sms, etc)
- effects/impacts to users (online gambling, porno, etc)
- Impact to the country's economy, etc.
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